How would you describe Peace, Contentment, Carefree? This month on my blog we will see how Hypnosis can actually help everyone to overcome Anxiety, let go of sadness, heal depression and become a generally more happy person. Peace and Happiness mean something different for every person however, it is important to understand that happiness is not a specific thing, or an object or a possession, it is important to acknowledge that it is not something we do or that we receive or a person in our life that bring us happiness. Happiness is a state of mind and only by reaching that state of mind, you Can Feel Happy. For example if you think that you can be happy only if or when you meet a certain type of loving companion, or only when you will be able to buy a certain car or a specific type of home, then you may continue to feel unhappy for the rest of your life.
To me happiness is Being Carefree and be in a state of playfulness, which can also be dancing, or feeling just silly or laugh at stupid jokes, and so at peace and relaxed. n a way, think about when you were a little kid, it did not take much to be happy, usually it would come whenever you felt playful and you would laugh and play with your friends. then we grow up and we tend to forget that simple, innocent joy. I can promise you that if you find a way to bring up your inner child in you, to bring it out, and feel, without thinking, playful, and carefree, well, you are already happy and relaxed, and so, since your emotions are like mirrors, you will be able to magnetize all the things you want into your life, naturally. So in a way, first you need to be happy then the the things or persons you want, will be attracted into your life. So being relaxed, playful, feeling carefree, are the keys to happiness. So , dance, laugh, play, take the time to do what you like. And Hypnosis can help you in allowing you to remove stress, anger, doubts, fears and heal old false and negative perceptions, so you, as a result, can be you you are and have always been, naturally carefree, playful and full of joy...try it!! You can schedule your Hypnosis session here If you have any comments, plz post them below.
This week at Hypnosis of Portland I would like to focus on a subject about which I have received quite few requests. Real Love and Romance, however in this first part, we are not going to talk so much about the good feelings and the beauty a healthy loving relationship can bring,rather we are going to talk about the other side of love, the hurt and the heartbreak love can cause, which almost all human beings happen to experience at least once in their lifetime! So why, it is very painful and it hurts, a lot, if a romance comes to an end, unexpectedly, either because one of the two people involved has fallen in love again with someone else or because of disagreements or personality conflicts?
Maybe, if you would have a better understanding of what on a deeper level of your mind and emotions, really goes on when something like this happens, you may get some emotional relief, if you might be going through some breakup. By looking deeper at the difference between the subconscious mind conscious mind, and also know a bit about the intelligence of the heart and its magnetic field (The HeartMath Institute's research has proven the heart has actually neurons and is intelligent, even more so than the brain) -you will understand the reason, you feel really hurt and totally lost and alone and everything around you just looks and feels terrible..if someone you love or with whom your are very much in love- decided to leave the relationship, which is very much connected, to something or some experiences that occurred to you when you might have been very small, maybe 6 or even much younger. It may have been that your favorite uncle or even your grandfather whom you loved and above all, trusted very much, might have promised you to take you to the movie after lunch. So you might have asked your mother to help you dress in the best outfit you had and prepare yourself for the exciting event with your favorite person, and maybe you might have waited and waited for hours, in the back yard, with a boring aunt, waiting for your grandfather to come and get you, and time passed by and in the end it became dark and it was time to have supper and your grandfather never came to get you and take you to the movie as he had promised you.Then before going to sleep you might have discovered that your grandfather had actually taken your older cousin to the movie instead than you. Imagine how you felt when you found this out? Betrayed? Cheated, abandoned, rejected, or all together. Your grandfather had not intended to hurt you, he might have wanted to take you to the movie, but then he might have thought you were too young and it may have been too boring for you to watch a long movie. However, since you were too young and the conscious mind had not yet developed, you could not understand this, and you could not express or process these negative emotions and you stored them in the basement of your mind.. then you forgot about them, you grew up and then met the perfect guy or girl, and fell in love for the first time, then he/she decided to leave you. I wonder if you start to get a better understanding of where this is leading and why you feel this way now in the present time??? There are also other reasons why you feel so hurt and we will continue talking about this matter in my next post, to cover them. Please, visit this blog in a week or so to read the continuation of this post, in the meanwhile, your comments, questions are all so welcome Hypnosis can be used for a large amounts of emotional and physical issues. the more common ones are: fear of public speaking, claustrophobia, fear of heights or spiders or snakes… these are all areas that can improve dramatically when hypnosis is used by a clinical hypnotherapist.
Hypnosis can be also used to totally get rid of destructive habits, such as smoking and over-eating, gambling, recreational drug abuse, addiction to alcohol, and stress management, depression. But hypnosis can be applied to nearly any bad habit which can keep a person from living a healthy and well functioning every day life, be it biting your nails or chronically putting off important tasks, compulsively checking e-mails, behaviors which are basically related to stress which can successfully be overcome by hypnosis! Stress has a different meaning for everybody, and it is the most common mental problem, which also has repercussions on the physical body. Statistics say that over 8% of the population suffers from chronic or acute stress. which is the primary cause of living a negative life. The type of lifestyle people have nowadays is contributes to stress. It is almost impossible to avoid being anxious in the modern daily life routine. The best you can do is to have a way of managing stress and its side effects. Stress, if ignored, has to find an outlet, a way of being processed and can manifest as phobias, social disorders, stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder. On the physical level, stress can cause fatigue, migraines, hands/feet numbness, lower back problems, difficulty walking, stomach-aches, nausea, difficulty in digesting simple foods, needs for crying, catching colds regularly, and more, these are just the most common symptoms. Stress cannot be resolved through chemical products, which can only help you to cope with it, but not resolve the real issue. It is important to get to the root cause of your stress and here is where hypnosis can step in. which is one of the best and powerful and scientifically proven method to overcome stress. If you have any questions please post them here below. This post is focused on Weight Loss and on better & healthier solutions for weight loss than will power based diets.
Many people, take the decision to become more healthy and fit, at the beginning of each new year. However, following a strict regime of physical efforts, painful exercising routines, diets, deprivation, after a while they end giving up. This method does not work, because is based on will power approaches, driven by the cognitive mind, the less powerful and much weaker part of the mind. It is working with the subconscious mind that will give you the desired results. This can be reached through hypnosis or NLP or hypnosis with EFT. These methods work better than New Year's resolution. If you have gained weight because you tend to overeat, most likely your problem is not in a slow metabolism, but in your subconscious mind. You may have lost weight before through will power and lots of different diets and efforts. But most likely, after reaching the desired results, then your subconscious mind took the charge again, making you act according to the old program stored in it, driving you to eat more than you needed, because the subconscious mind is way more powerful and stronger than the conscious mind. So the goal is to, automatically and without discomfort---create permanent changes in the subconscious, and as a result you will be able to keep those changes in your life. The ideal weight management's goal should be that of helping you change negative subconscious habits SO YOU CAN: lose weight without will power, start thinking, acting and feeling like a naturally slim person, begin to give less importance to food, naturally crave & eat..---less and healthier foods, eat slower, become aware of what you are eating and learn how food affects your body and emotions . And it should also, boost your own confidence a bit to allow a leaner self, and to teach you how to shift from a feeling of stress and a feeling of craving more food,-- to feeling calm, and feeling great --- so that you will learn to enjoy yourself ---even if you don’t overeat, anywhere and in any circumstance, during your ordinary daily routine, or when you are grocery shopping, at parties or social meetings, dinners out ---and everywhere--- This can be easily achieved using Hypnosis, and our Weight Loss Hypnosis Program does all that! You can read more about it at this link You can also post any questions or feed back below and I will be happy to answer them This week, lets talk about how the Law of Attraction is closely connected with Self Esteem. This is how it works: Children, often receive false, negative programming from family, media, teachers, relatives, society. When you were a little child, friends, teachers or even family members, might have said that you may not be smart enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough, or that you do not deserve a candy or going to a party, due to your bad behavior. After repeatedly hearing this, since you could not filter information at that age, you ended believing it!
You recorded this erroneous information in your subconscious. Consequently you might have developed a core belief that you are "not enough", that there is something wrong with you, that you are not lovable and not worthy or receiving! Even if you forget about this when you grow up, the limiting belief is still in the deeper layers of your mind and in the cellular memories of your body (according to neuroscientists, like Professor Gary Schwartz). It continues to drive most of your actions, like a hidden automatic pilot, feeding insecurity and fears, and having a negative impact on self-esteem, love, success, finances, and even health! I believe the final purpose of each goal everyone wants to achieve in life (either financial success, a new career, relationships, health) is to reach for fulfillment, happiness and joy. If we believe of being unlovable, unworthy, unconsciously we presume we do not deserve of being happy. So, even if, on a superficial level we think that what we wish can happen to us, on a deeper level, we are convinced we do no deserve of receiving it. When we apply the Law of Attraction, and keep on visualizing our goals, nothing will manifest, nothing will change. Our limiting subconscious beliefs will mirror back to us the lack in money, in love, in success. Here is why: the unconscious belief, broadcasting messages of unworthiness, is not aligned with the conscious desire, of being more happy, but is in conflict with it. As the subconscious message is stronger and more powerful, it will constantly block the conscious desire. It will prevail over the conscious vibrational message, causing the Law of Attraction to fail! Hypnosis is one of the most effective methods to remove, safely and effectively, false, destructive beliefs, and images of low self-worthiness from the subconscious mind, replacing them with positive, true beliefs of yourself. Once you remove the false conditioning, implant a positive reprogramming, unconscious vibrational messages will match conscious intentions. Vibrationally, they will be tuned to the same energy frequency. Applying the Law of Attraction with success, will be a realistic accomplishment. If you have any questions or feed back please post them here In this blog post, I am going to focus a little more on the reasons why some people tend to avoid doing the necessary things and take the steps that will bring them closer to achieve a desired goal, and tend to instead do things that usually pull them away from it and its manifestation.All this is happening not on a conscious level but on a subconscious level, it is like a mechanism that is triggered automatically, without the intervention of the conscious mind, and in a way create small self sabotages. This subconscious behavior, is related to some negative experiences from the past and at a very young age, when for some reason, achieving a desire ended up to correspond to a negative experience or fear. Because of the things people were told by their care givers and also because of negative experiences they had. For instance, if the goal was to be more successful at school, and when this person worked really hard on making a small success happen, instead of receive recognition from the teacher, they might have received criticism, so this association was immediately stored in the subconscious mind as negative. Also, if the caregivers were repeatedly saying something like this: If you become powerful or successful, your friends will leave you, or people who like you will become jealous, or something such as: being successful, rich and abundant will bring stress, or reaching success is not something that can be accomplished by normal people like us, but by other people. Also, if in the past people might have been able to reach a goal and be successful in a certain are of their life, while the success lasted, they were experiencing lots of tension and stress or lack of time, they were successful but never had the time to enjoy the success and the abundance they had been working hard to get.
All these factors are responsible for those unconscious responses that are triggered and which sabotage or delay achieving a desired goal! In my next post we will cover the role of hypnosis in improving this erroneous subconscious beliefs and behaviors. If you have questions or comments, I would like for you to post them here, thank you! If you find yourself to often, getting irritated about things you cannot control, so that it affects the quality of your life, or you may find yourself criticizing other people and their actions and even getting so very upset and frustrated to the point that your face gets all flushed and your heart rates increases and/or you are unable to speak , then it may be because there is some deep unprocessed anger or resentment inside your subconscious mind, that has not healed. It may be related to an early childhood, maybe you were not treated in a good way by your caregiver or you experienced some negative events, some violation, or perceived a situation to be threatening, and since you were too small and were no able to do anything about having your needs met, to express yourself properly or defend yourself in those situations, then you just put those powerful unexpressed emotions in the basement of your mind, where, even if you forgot about them, are still running in the background, controlling your behavior and affecting your health, by sending you repeatedly into a stress response, your personal and social life in a negative way.
You are aware you have this emotional issue and you are ready to do something about it, to let it out of your system for good and put all your conscious effort to control it and push it down even more, but so far it is still there and it still affects you negatively, against your will. So what can you do about it and how can you heal the root of this problem so that you can be free and be able to stay calm and at peace in any situation, even when someone may say something or act in a way that will trigger some negative memory from the past? Well, first of all it is a matter of forgiveness, you have to come to the conclusion that if you do not forgive then you are hurting yourself, since forgiveness is an act of self love that sets you free. It is not easy to forgive sometimes, so the most logical step you can do for your well being is to seek some experienced hypnotherapist that will help you set yourself free and heal the root of those painful subconscious cellular memories, using hypnosis. Yes, according to my knowledge and vast experience, hypnosis is the most successful and most effective way to, not to treat, but cure these annoying, unhealthy subconscious prompters. You can read more information about hypnosis here I would like to encourage you to post here below, any questions or share your personal experiences about this subject, if it resonates with you and any possible experience with hypnosis, negative or positive, thank you to edit. This week, I would like to cover a subject about which I receive so many questions: what is the role of hypnosis in becoming successful? Before I even start to explain how hypnosis works in relation to success, I would like to talk about something else: The reason why people most often avoid doing the things that will bring them closer to what they want to achieve, that would magnetize their goals and tend to instead do things that usually pull them away from it and its manifestation.
You know consciously what you want and that what you want would make you more happy and fulfilled, but it is easier and takes less energy for you to just avoid taking the necessary steps to get there where you want to be and in a way you try to do your best at creating a strong resistance to allow what you want into your life, and most often find yourself doing unnecessary things which either delay your goal realization or simply pull it further away from you. It is not self sabotage, but soothing more subtle and at way deeper level than that. There is fear involved, sometime it is not clear what you are afraid of, and the reason why you are really afraid of the very beautiful and good things you want them but it does not feel safe in a way to actually have them, or that they may be too good for you, it is OK for other people too have it, but not for you, that the good thing you want, may be out of your reach! But why do you think that having what your really want may be too good for you? Why do you feel, at a deeper mental level, as if you were almost not worthy of having it? And why are you afraid of it, why are you afraid of success, or of more money, or being more fit and feeling really good about yourself? And who taught you to be afraid of it, and that you should not desire these things and that you should not feel good about yourself, that you instead should deprive yourself? You were certainly not born that way, you were born with no data or information in you whatsoever and your mind was empty, and the conscious mind had not yet developed..soon after you were born. So what happened and how come you feel and act this way? I will cover this subject in my next post, in the mean time if you have any comment or feedback to share you can post it below. fter receiving many request from readers, I thought this post might cover the Essence of Law of Attraction : The Power of Beliefs, either negative or positive ones. Also, based upon an even larger number of requests, I thought to create a space in this blog, for feed-back from those of you (individuals or groups) engaging in Law of Attraction experiments, using different beliefs, to change outcomes or attract different results. And so I would like to start this by introducing my own experiments which I have been doing lately, and especially those I have conducted in my own kitchen, :-) with beans and plants. But before even explaining what the experiments are about, I would like to bring up the experiments about consciousness upon matter, conducted by the Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, in which he divided simple tap water into two different containers. To the first container he would talk to the water, in a very hateful and negative way , telling the water that he hated it. While to the 2nd container, he would speak softly, saying loving words and words of gratitude, thanking the water for existing and telling it that he loved it. As quantum physics demonstrates, through the "Observer's Effect" particles can change their behaviors according to the observer’s expectations. Dr. Emoto was able to change the energy in the water molecules, and so changing the molecular structure, and the crystalline structure of water, through intention and feelings. Observing under the electron microscope the water in the first container, to which Dr.. Emoto had spoken hateful words and sent negative vibes, could clearly be seen that crystalline structure, the crystals had been transformed into something very ugly and chaotic. While the molecules in the 2nd water container, to which he had been speaking loving words of gratitude, had been turned into the most beautiful and most symmetric crystals which had never been seen in nature before. The results speak for themselves. Consciousness influences matter. So I decided to do my own experiments in my kitchen. I lightly cooked some soy beans, and then placed and separated them into two different dishes. To dish #1 I have been speaking to the beans, saying hateful words, (which is difficult for me :-) and sending resentful thoughts, for 2 weeks, while to dish #2 I have been speaking kind and loving words, of gratitude and even simply saying "I love you" and sending love to the beans.
Are your ready to read about what happened? In dish # 2, the beans, after been left almost 3 weeks at room temperature, are intact, and in addition, some of them have been starting to even germinate and creating these tiny, baby green shoots.They look great and healthy!! In dish # 1, bombarded with negative emotions and vibes, not only the beans have not been growing, but they are, as well covered with a terribly ugly mold of different colors, red and blue and gray. They look ugly. Really a big difference!! I am now starting an experiment with two little green plants, and will update with the results in my next post. In the meanwhile I would like to encourage all of you to conduct your own consciousness experiments and please share the results here through comments in this blog. If you have any question about this post, please post them here Self Esteem & Law of Attraction go Together: How Hypnosis facilitates the Law of Attraction - Using Hypnosis to clear subconscious wrong, unhealthy beliefs and destructive cellular memories, before applying the Law of Attraction, is the only effective way to manifest your goals . There is a huge amount of information on the web, stating that, if you just focus and visualize your dreams becoming true, the Law of Attraction, like a magic wand, will manifest them, in your physical world. However, I am sure many of you have realized that sometimes, even if applied correctly, this universal law does not produce the Wanted Results. Most common scenario when the Law of Attraction fails is that, when thinking of the object we desire, it feels too unrealistic and abstract. So in this case, we are actually focusing on the absence of it, rather than the joy it would bring us.. This is the message that we are broadcasting subconsciously. According to this law, like attracts like, so lack will continue to appear. According to my experience, if the Law of Attraction does not works, is because conscious intention and unconscious message are not a perfect match, they are in conflict. For example, while you may be thinking of what you wish, your subconscious mind is pointing to something totally different, broadcasting a different vibrational message.
However you are not aware of it! This happens because you allow unconscious false beliefs and patterns, stored in your subconscious, to lead the action, rather than doing it consciously. There is nothing wrong with you, is not a matter of lack of mental skills or willpower! As we know, the subconscious mind, even if not intelligent is much more powerful and stubborn than the conscious mind. Its vibrational message is always stronger, it prevails over your conscious desire and its vibrational transmission. In my next post I will focus and elaborate more on the link between Self-Esteem and the Law of Attraction, do not miss it!! Let me know what you think, by posting a comment below! |