Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Portland OR |
by Annalena PhD, C.H.t. Cert. NLP
by Annalena PhD, C.H.t. Cert. NLP
Why New Year's Resolutions Or Similar Unrealistic Goals Fail! --They fail because they are will power generated approaches. They are like affirmations: You consciously want to achieve a goal within a certain date, but subconsciously you know it is unrealistic, your subconscious mind says it is impossible, it is a too high expectation, so since the subconscious mind is way more powerful you can figure out who will win! The Power Of Intention Combined With A Healthy Positive Belief, Works Better Than Resolutions, And here is where Hypnosis Can Help!
How Hypnosis Works In Losing the Weight You Want:
If you have tried to lose weight or reach your ideal level of fitness, using will power, discipline, commitment, different unrealistic diets & more, without reaching any concrete or long lasting result, you may want to learn that Hypnosis can help you lose the weight you want, in a safe, natural way, & gently, without deprivation, giving you realistic & permanent results. According to my experience, hypnosis is the most effective method for transformation that I am aware of. I became interested in hypnosis, because I had a compulsive craving for sweets and unhealthy food. I struggled with this problem for years. I tried several methods: different types of diets.I also tried changing eating habits, different nutrition type routines, powerful exercise regimes.
How Hypnosis Works In Losing the Weight You Want:
If you have tried to lose weight or reach your ideal level of fitness, using will power, discipline, commitment, different unrealistic diets & more, without reaching any concrete or long lasting result, you may want to learn that Hypnosis can help you lose the weight you want, in a safe, natural way, & gently, without deprivation, giving you realistic & permanent results. According to my experience, hypnosis is the most effective method for transformation that I am aware of. I became interested in hypnosis, because I had a compulsive craving for sweets and unhealthy food. I struggled with this problem for years. I tried several methods: different types of diets.I also tried changing eating habits, different nutrition type routines, powerful exercise regimes.
Use Hypnotherapy For:
None of these willpower based approaches worked for me permanently. It was difficult and distressful to apply them, to follow through. I started to research about hypnotherapy. Saw plenty of positive feedback, so I decided to try it. Through hypnosis, I got rid of my problem permanently. It was easier than I had imagined it. I did not experience any feeling of deprivation. Gradually the routine of eating healthy, clean, food, became natural and even enjoyable! As a positive side effect, I lost few extra pounds, with no struggle, reaching the weight I was looking for. So I decided to study hypnosis in order to use it to help others!
WHAT IS HYPNOSIS AND HOW IT WORKS Hypnosis is a natural state of mind, in fact, we experience a hypnotic state, hundreds of times in everyday life. Whenever we do anything automatic, like driving on a familiar road, taking a shower, mowing the lawn, or just before falling asleep at night! During a hypnosis session with a professional hypnotherapist, you will experience a pleasant deep relaxation, light sleepiness, peacefulness in your body and mind. You will be in control and you will surely not be unconscious, just extremely relaxed. Your conscious mind will become calm and drift off, allowing your subconscious mind to become active, open to positive affirmations and useful suggestions Today, science has been thoroughly researching hypnosis. It is proven, that during hypnosis, powerful positive transformation and integration occur in the brain, clearly seen through MRI, EEG (electro-encephalogram), and MEG (magneto-encephalogram). Hypnotherapy is often used within the fields of Western conventional, medicine and psychology, and professional hypnotherapists can work with nutrition doctors, Medical Doctors, Psychiatrists, for more rewarding, greater results HOW SUBCONSCIOUS WRONG BELIEFS CAN DETERMINE YOUR LIFE'S TREND! We have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind is responsible for thinking, rationalizing, analyzing, logic. The subconscious, on the other hand [Read the Whole Article] My comprehensive, Weight Loss Hypnosis program consists of of 2 (or 3) sessions (2 SESSIONS MIN) of 75-90 mins each---done few days apart. However, every person is different, and one or few additional hypnosis shorter sessions, to achieve the desired results, may be needed. Is important for you to know that Hypnosis works best by repetition. Not only that, but each session (in my program) is different, bringing up and resolving different underlying issues, keys to Weight Gain, and also incorporating the resolving and reprogramming of limiting beliefs, making the program all encompassing, for long lasting and successful results.To find more details about rates (Rates stand still as of 2010) text/call or email us at [email protected]
NOTE: Our rates are not hourly, but for the whole session. To receive your first 15 mins FREE phone consultation, and/or to find out more what each session consists of, you can email me or call (503) 939-9886 Schedule Your Hypnosis Session Now Call (503) 929-9886
Disclaimer:The information displayed in this website is only informative and the owners of this website, do not know how your body /mind may react. if you use Hypnosis and if Hypnosis will help you reach the desired results with your issue. By reading the content on this website you are assuming total responsibility for eventual unknown side effects if you use Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis after reading the content and the articles published on this website. No content presented in this website is meant as medical advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical care. Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment, Dr. Annalena G. C. is not a licensed health care practitioner, so if you have a physical illness/injury,or psychological disorders, is highly advised that you seek medical advice/care
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