If you find yourself to often, getting irritated about things you cannot control, so that it affects the quality of your life, or you may find yourself criticizing other people and their actions and even getting so very upset and frustrated to the point that your face gets all flushed and your heart rates increases and/or you are unable to speak , then it may be because there is some deep unprocessed anger or resentment inside your subconscious mind, that has not healed. It may be related to an early childhood, maybe you were not treated in a good way by your caregiver or you experienced some negative events, some violation, or perceived a situation to be threatening, and since you were too small and were no able to do anything about having your needs met, to express yourself properly or defend yourself in those situations, then you just put those powerful unexpressed emotions in the basement of your mind, where, even if you forgot about them, are still running in the background, controlling your behavior and affecting your health, by sending you repeatedly into a stress response, your personal and social life in a negative way.
You are aware you have this emotional issue and you are ready to do something about it, to let it out of your system for good and put all your conscious effort to control it and push it down even more, but so far it is still there and it still affects you negatively, against your will. So what can you do about it and how can you heal the root of this problem so that you can be free and be able to stay calm and at peace in any situation, even when someone may say something or act in a way that will trigger some negative memory from the past? Well, first of all it is a matter of forgiveness, you have to come to the conclusion that if you do not forgive then you are hurting yourself, since forgiveness is an act of self love that sets you free. It is not easy to forgive sometimes, so the most logical step you can do for your well being is to seek some experienced hypnotherapist that will help you set yourself free and heal the root of those painful subconscious cellular memories, using hypnosis. Yes, according to my knowledge and vast experience, hypnosis is the most successful and most effective way to, not to treat, but cure these annoying, unhealthy subconscious prompters. You can read more information about hypnosis here I would like to encourage you to post here below, any questions or share your personal experiences about this subject, if it resonates with you and any possible experience with hypnosis, negative or positive, thank you to edit.