This post is focused on Weight Loss and on better & healthier solutions for weight loss than will power based diets.
Many people, take the decision to become more healthy and fit, at the beginning of each new year. However, following a strict regime of physical efforts, painful exercising routines, diets, deprivation, after a while they end giving up. This method does not work, because is based on will power approaches, driven by the cognitive mind, the less powerful and much weaker part of the mind. It is working with the subconscious mind that will give you the desired results. This can be reached through hypnosis or NLP or hypnosis with EFT. These methods work better than New Year's resolution. If you have gained weight because you tend to overeat, most likely your problem is not in a slow metabolism, but in your subconscious mind. You may have lost weight before through will power and lots of different diets and efforts. But most likely, after reaching the desired results, then your subconscious mind took the charge again, making you act according to the old program stored in it, driving you to eat more than you needed, because the subconscious mind is way more powerful and stronger than the conscious mind. So the goal is to, automatically and without discomfort---create permanent changes in the subconscious, and as a result you will be able to keep those changes in your life. The ideal weight management's goal should be that of helping you change negative subconscious habits SO YOU CAN: lose weight without will power, start thinking, acting and feeling like a naturally slim person, begin to give less importance to food, naturally crave & eat..---less and healthier foods, eat slower, become aware of what you are eating and learn how food affects your body and emotions . And it should also, boost your own confidence a bit to allow a leaner self, and to teach you how to shift from a feeling of stress and a feeling of craving more food,-- to feeling calm, and feeling great --- so that you will learn to enjoy yourself ---even if you don’t overeat, anywhere and in any circumstance, during your ordinary daily routine, or when you are grocery shopping, at parties or social meetings, dinners out ---and everywhere--- This can be easily achieved using Hypnosis, and our Weight Loss Hypnosis Program does all that! You can read more about it at this link You can also post any questions or feed back below and I will be happy to answer them
Andrea Villaches
10/15/2022 07:14:35 pm
I am so glad I have found your blog, I have been looking online for subjects like this one, and I did not know there was a blog local to Portland, where I live. You are so right Annalena, I have tried this New Year's Resolution to lose some weight and above all to overcome my unhealthy foods addiction and emotional over eating. It has never worked, after few weeks I was back to square one. It seems really so, as you say that, discipline based on will power does not take you anywhere.
Andrea Villaches
10/30/2022 06:41:42 pm
I wanted to resume my previous comment. Because the craving and the voice that pushes me to over eat, has an own agenda and does not want to listen to my conscious decision. I would like to try hypnosis, but i have a question. how many sessions would I need? I know people who have used hypnosis to stop smoking, after 2 months they relapsed. Do you know why, and what is necessary for the hypnosis results to last? Thank you
11/8/2022 06:29:47 pm
Andrea, I am glad you posted your question, it will certainly help my other readers. As you know, the reason why you were back to square one only after few weeks, is because your subconscious does not like changes, and since you cannot change any subconscious patterns or agendas, consciously, it would keep on sabotaging your conscious decisions. About how many sessions, it all depends on how big and how strong your conditioning is. Usually 2 or 3 sessions should produce long lasting results.
Andrea Villaches
11/14/2022 06:30:50 pm
Adding to my previous post, wanted to add, that however, people forget that the subconscious mind is much stronger than the conscious mind, and needs reinforcements. So to achieve totally permanent results, the best is, after the first initial sessions, to do some maintenance session, maybe 2 or 3 times, but only at distance of one or two months each. I hope this helps!
Leo Estradi-Magnara
11/18/2022 06:45:53 pm
This is a very cool blog, I read the most recent posts and I wanted to share my experience and then get some of your feed back. I totally am on the same page, the New year resolution just does not work, I was trying it for few years, I have gained weight within the last 3 years, after I broke up with my fiance, I started eating lots of unhealthy food and junk food and stopped going to the gym. I know I need to lose some weights and get my shape back, but have tried to do this through rigid rules and forcing my will, subscribing with very harsh training and diets programs,
Leo Estradi-Magnara
11/30/2022 05:35:41 pm
Also, yes I have gotten some results, for the first 2 weeks, then boom, I relapse and stop following the programs, and it makes so much sense what you say, and how you explain it, it is by will power, and will power does not work, you need to go through the subconscious mind to make the change and to train it to follow through the new healthy life style. My question is, has anyone here tried it? and how hypnotherapy sessions in my case, would I need, any feed back or advice is welcome, thanks
12/4/2022 06:41:55 pm
Leo, sorry for the delay, thanks for sharing your own personal experience related to a new year's resolution approach to a resolve either a weigh or fitness or other problem. Like you, many other people I have met and helped in my work, had been going through the same process, until they realized that will power based methods do not last, and they ended up in my office. So from my own experience with many of them, I can assure you that all these people, yes they tried it and it worked.
1/8/2023 06:47:59 pm
Sorry for the delay but in addition to the previous comment, and this will cover also your 2nd question, about how many sessions of hypnosis are needed. However, it is different for everybody. For some people, only the 2 sessions, in the program, are enough and produce permanent results. Others may need more reinforcements, at distance of a month or so, maybe 2 or 3 maintenance sessions, depending on the kind of conditioning they received. I would be able to give you a more precise info if I would know more about your specific issue and do a short free consultation with you the phone. I hope this helps!
Lynnette-Mari Pievherr
1/25/2023 06:29:19 pm
I was referred to this blog by one of your readers. I read most of your posts, and I loved the one about self sabotage, a problem I still have to deal with but which was much worse before I actually started to use NLP. I wanted to ask you if you have anything posted on your website about anxiety related to hypnosis, or if you could cover this subject in any of your future posts, I really would appreciate it very much
Lynnette-Mari Pievherr
2/13/2023 07:28:11 pm
I wanted to post again, and referring to my last comment, when I say anxiety, I mean all the possible related symptoms, such as nervous compulsive disorders (spending lots of time in checking that doors are locked, and the oven is off, light switch are off etc). Also where can I find more info about NLP, and can NLP do something about anxiety? Would hypnosis be able to help in these kinds of issues and /or NLP, which do you prefer and use most? And why?
Dawn Grant
2/18/2023 06:49:22 pm
I totally agree with you that new year's resolution not better than hypnosis, it never works, We all make resolutions at every new year and forget them in some time, I would like to try hypnosis myself.. looking into it right now ..will post again with more feedback!!
Dawn Grant
2/26/2023 07:51:09 pm
Update: I have spoken with people who have actually used hypnosis with trusted hypnotherapists to lose weight or get rid of overeating habits, and I am not saying that its like a miracle, that just with one session, everything gets back to normal, but I hear that after few sessions, done at regular intervals, even if not necessarily very close to each other, it really works and produces permanent results, at least, according to what they said! I would like to try it soon, sometime in my near future, Thanks!
Liam Santos
3/26/2023 07:56:57 pm
I wanted to join the conversation I can say I have a direct experience with these new years resolutions.. I tried many times (many years) but I agree that it doesn’t work because it is based on will power and usually especially after the holidays indulging in lots of good foods, our will power is very low, I did few hypnosis sessions with a local hypnotherapist and I am starting to feel in control . You still need to be disciplined, but it is so much easier for me to avoid junk foods and to over eat in general. So I think hypnosis works Anyone any comments on this?
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