Self Esteem & Law of Attraction go Together: How Hypnosis facilitates the Law of Attraction - Using Hypnosis to clear subconscious wrong, unhealthy beliefs and destructive cellular memories, before applying the Law of Attraction, is the only effective way to manifest your goals . There is a huge amount of information on the web, stating that, if you just focus and visualize your dreams becoming true, the Law of Attraction, like a magic wand, will manifest them, in your physical world. However, I am sure many of you have realized that sometimes, even if applied correctly, this universal law does not produce the Wanted Results. Most common scenario when the Law of Attraction fails is that, when thinking of the object we desire, it feels too unrealistic and abstract. So in this case, we are actually focusing on the absence of it, rather than the joy it would bring us.. This is the message that we are broadcasting subconsciously. According to this law, like attracts like, so lack will continue to appear. According to my experience, if the Law of Attraction does not works, is because conscious intention and unconscious message are not a perfect match, they are in conflict. For example, while you may be thinking of what you wish, your subconscious mind is pointing to something totally different, broadcasting a different vibrational message.
However you are not aware of it! This happens because you allow unconscious false beliefs and patterns, stored in your subconscious, to lead the action, rather than doing it consciously. There is nothing wrong with you, is not a matter of lack of mental skills or willpower! As we know, the subconscious mind, even if not intelligent is much more powerful and stubborn than the conscious mind. Its vibrational message is always stronger, it prevails over your conscious desire and its vibrational transmission. In my next post I will focus and elaborate more on the link between Self-Esteem and the Law of Attraction, do not miss it!! Let me know what you think, by posting a comment below!