Hypnosis can be used for a large amounts of emotional and physical issues. the more common ones are: fear of public speaking, claustrophobia, fear of heights or spiders or snakes… these are all areas that can improve dramatically when hypnosis is used by a clinical hypnotherapist.
Hypnosis can be also used to totally get rid of destructive habits, such as smoking and over-eating, gambling, recreational drug abuse, addiction to alcohol, and stress management, depression. But hypnosis can be applied to nearly any bad habit which can keep a person from living a healthy and well functioning every day life, be it biting your nails or chronically putting off important tasks, compulsively checking e-mails, behaviors which are basically related to stress which can successfully be overcome by hypnosis! Stress has a different meaning for everybody, and it is the most common mental problem, which also has repercussions on the physical body. Statistics say that over 8% of the population suffers from chronic or acute stress. which is the primary cause of living a negative life. The type of lifestyle people have nowadays is contributes to stress. It is almost impossible to avoid being anxious in the modern daily life routine. The best you can do is to have a way of managing stress and its side effects. Stress, if ignored, has to find an outlet, a way of being processed and can manifest as phobias, social disorders, stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder. On the physical level, stress can cause fatigue, migraines, hands/feet numbness, lower back problems, difficulty walking, stomach-aches, nausea, difficulty in digesting simple foods, needs for crying, catching colds regularly, and more, these are just the most common symptoms. Stress cannot be resolved through chemical products, which can only help you to cope with it, but not resolve the real issue. It is important to get to the root cause of your stress and here is where hypnosis can step in. which is one of the best and powerful and scientifically proven method to overcome stress. If you have any questions please post them here below.
Lynnette, thanks for posting your question/feedback. And so I am posting the reply to your question underneath this post because is much more related to it. As you can see I did follow your input and wrote a post here, about the role of hypnosis in healing anxiety disorders and symptoms. I hope this helps a bit. And yes, all those issues and complaints you talk about in your comment in my previous blog post,are strictly related to stress and anxiety
I want to add another reply, to Lynnette’s… I think .It is important to understand that stress and anxiety are emotionally related symptoms, which can become physical as well, so it is important to identify the emotion beneath the stress. Yes both hypnosis and NLP are very helpful in healing these kinds of stress related issues. I do not prefer one or the other, bur I would definitely use them in combination, as they should be always used to be effective. You can find more about NLP at this links http://www.hypnosis-portland.com and www.trulypsychic.com/hypnotherapy
Lynnette-Mari Pievkerr
5/30/2023 07:05:36 pm
Annaleen, I thought to check back on your blog and found your reply to my previous comment. Thank you so much, Yes that makes so much sense, I totally agree with the fact that there is some emotion underneath my anxiety symptoms, and that they are emotionally related. I cannot think of anything though, at least consciously I am not aware of which the main emotion would be..I am thinking maybe I am afraid I wont have enough time to finish all I have to do during the day,
Lynnette M. P.
6/20/2023 07:18:56 pm
Can I add some extra feedback? I am thinking, ... maybe because of some traumatic event that happened when I was a child, related to the stove or the out door or something. So I am assuming during hypnosis and NLP it would be more clear, correct? Thanks for answering that last question and for referring me to the other website www.trulypsychic.com/hypnotherapy I went to have a look and it is so great! I will have to schedule a hypnosis session then, thanks!!
6/25/2023 07:22:12 pm
Lynnette, your are welcome, I am glad now things are looking a bot more clear for you. Yes, absolutely, there are some specific emotions rooted in your subconscious that are causing, or resulting in your anxiety symptoms, they are not physical nor a dysfunction of your brain chemistry. Do not worry about not being able to play Sherlock Holmes about trying to identify the root cause of this anxiety.
Ariana Dhunn
6/30/2023 07:56:29 pm
I wanted to add, It is normal, if you try to do through your conscious mind, most likely you wont be able to. That is why hypnosis helps, by letting the conscious mind drift off and in that state the memories of subconscious negative emotions will surface and you will be able to easily identify the source, and then heal it. Good choice! Let me know if you have further questions!
Neil Stroeberg
7/11/2023 06:04:18 pm
I have been following your posts lately and I find this educative, I have always been fascinated with hypnosis and NLP. I think I would like to explore the subject and find out if these method might help me with my problems, I anxiety about making others disappointed, I have been told that this is also related to some perfectionism issue, which I still am having some difficulty understanding why perfectionism is a bad thing, so to say..:-)
Neil Stroeberg
7/15/2023 08:17:41 pm
Also, something more to add, when we were kids, me and my sister, our mom took off with another guy, this created lot of tension and our dad became like a religious fanatic, so very traumatic, I wonder if this is also at the root of my anxiety. I would like your input on all this, thank you!
Neil, thank you for your comment. Yes, you are very insightful, your anxiety about making sure that others are not disappointed in you may have to do a lot with a perfectionism issue. Perfectionism is not bad or good, it just creates lots of stress and does not serve anybody. The fact that your father became very strict and demanding, that is very related to your perfectionism, to you wanting to always do things perfectly for fear that others may not like you anymore if you are a bit less than perfect. Since being perfect is impossible, then you can see what kind of vicious circle it creates. and yes, these are all connected, once you heal one, the other problems will dissolve too. I hope this helps.
Mike. J. Lavinne
7/29/2023 07:17:17 pm
I have been following your blogs from time to time, I have a question about hypnosis for social anxiety, is that something that hypnosis could help me with? I have had this problem for quite sometime I am 31 y.o. now and work in finances. I do not have a problem in being close or speaking with my clients by I do have fear and anxiety in social events or when I have to go out to public places, and I know I am not shy. I have been using all kinds of medications but they have not helped much. I would like to find out what is causing this and if it is related to something happened in the past and if it is possible to heal it through hypnosis or NLP and how long does it take usually? I also wanted to thank you for your very useful insights on this blog!
Mike, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience, I am sure it will be of great help to my readers. Definitely, hypnosis and NLP or both can help in social anxiety. The reason why medications do not seem to help is because they tend to only allow you to cope with the problem but they do not remove it and do not heal the real cause of this anxiety. The fact that it seems more with people at social events rather than with clients is because with clients you do not have any emotional connection or any old emotional triggering process going on.
8/27/2023 04:42:39 pm
I posted a comment here some time back in reply, I wanted to mention referring to my original comment, I believe it is most likely because you have some negative pattern and traumatic subconscious memory that goes back to when you were very little and has not healed yet and it surfaces whenever a similar emotion is felt. So absolutely it is possible to resolve this through hypnosis and the time depends on the degree and the depth of the subconscious negative conditioning that has been stored in your cellular memories. I hope this helps!
Kristin Loeve
9/23/2023 05:01:22 pm
Good blog, its amazing, It seems it opened my mind and thoughts to new possibilities and it has helped me to get rid already of the suspicions and fear I have always had about hypnosis, even if I always wanted to try it.
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