This week, lets talk about how the Law of Attraction is closely connected with Self Esteem. This is how it works: Children, often receive false, negative programming from family, media, teachers, relatives, society. When you were a little child, friends, teachers or even family members, might have said that you may not be smart enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough, not strong enough, or that you do not deserve a candy or going to a party, due to your bad behavior. After repeatedly hearing this, since you could not filter information at that age, you ended believing it!
You recorded this erroneous information in your subconscious. Consequently you might have developed a core belief that you are "not enough", that there is something wrong with you, that you are not lovable and not worthy or receiving! Even if you forget about this when you grow up, the limiting belief is still in the deeper layers of your mind and in the cellular memories of your body (according to neuroscientists, like Professor Gary Schwartz). It continues to drive most of your actions, like a hidden automatic pilot, feeding insecurity and fears, and having a negative impact on self-esteem, love, success, finances, and even health! I believe the final purpose of each goal everyone wants to achieve in life (either financial success, a new career, relationships, health) is to reach for fulfillment, happiness and joy. If we believe of being unlovable, unworthy, unconsciously we presume we do not deserve of being happy. So, even if, on a superficial level we think that what we wish can happen to us, on a deeper level, we are convinced we do no deserve of receiving it. When we apply the Law of Attraction, and keep on visualizing our goals, nothing will manifest, nothing will change. Our limiting subconscious beliefs will mirror back to us the lack in money, in love, in success. Here is why: the unconscious belief, broadcasting messages of unworthiness, is not aligned with the conscious desire, of being more happy, but is in conflict with it. As the subconscious message is stronger and more powerful, it will constantly block the conscious desire. It will prevail over the conscious vibrational message, causing the Law of Attraction to fail! Hypnosis is one of the most effective methods to remove, safely and effectively, false, destructive beliefs, and images of low self-worthiness from the subconscious mind, replacing them with positive, true beliefs of yourself. Once you remove the false conditioning, implant a positive reprogramming, unconscious vibrational messages will match conscious intentions. Vibrationally, they will be tuned to the same energy frequency. Applying the Law of Attraction with success, will be a realistic accomplishment. If you have any questions or feed back please post them here