How would you describe Peace, Contentment, Carefree? This month on my blog we will see how Hypnosis can actually help everyone to overcome Anxiety, let go of sadness, heal depression and become a generally more happy person. Peace and Happiness mean something different for every person however, it is important to understand that happiness is not a specific thing, or an object or a possession, it is important to acknowledge that it is not something we do or that we receive or a person in our life that bring us happiness. Happiness is a state of mind and only by reaching that state of mind, you Can Feel Happy. For example if you think that you can be happy only if or when you meet a certain type of loving companion, or only when you will be able to buy a certain car or a specific type of home, then you may continue to feel unhappy for the rest of your life.
To me happiness is Being Carefree and be in a state of playfulness, which can also be dancing, or feeling just silly or laugh at stupid jokes, and so at peace and relaxed. n a way, think about when you were a little kid, it did not take much to be happy, usually it would come whenever you felt playful and you would laugh and play with your friends. then we grow up and we tend to forget that simple, innocent joy. I can promise you that if you find a way to bring up your inner child in you, to bring it out, and feel, without thinking, playful, and carefree, well, you are already happy and relaxed, and so, since your emotions are like mirrors, you will be able to magnetize all the things you want into your life, naturally. So in a way, first you need to be happy then the the things or persons you want, will be attracted into your life. So being relaxed, playful, feeling carefree, are the keys to happiness. So , dance, laugh, play, take the time to do what you like. And Hypnosis can help you in allowing you to remove stress, anger, doubts, fears and heal old false and negative perceptions, so you, as a result, can be you you are and have always been, naturally carefree, playful and full of joy...try it!! You can schedule your Hypnosis session here If you have any comments, plz post them below.